Thursday, August 21, 2008

Masculine Versus Metrosexual

What is a metrosexual?

The newly popular media and marketing buzzword seems to mean different things to different people, but in general, a metrosexual :

  • is a modern, usually single man in touch with himself and his feminine side;
  • grooms and buffs his head and body, which he drapes in fashionable clothing both at work or before hitting an evening hotspot;
  • has discretionary income to stay up to date with the latest hairstyles, the newest threads, and the right shaped shoes;
  • confuses some guys when it comes to his sexuality;
  • makes these same guys jealous of his success with the ladies -- for many metros, to interact with women is to flirt;
  • impresses the women who enjoy his company with the details that make the man;

  • (Outsourced from

    Are you metrosexual?
    What do u think about metrosexual?
    Is it better to be masculine than metrosexual?

    According to RIA89.7 in its segment called 'Babes', a survey shows 80% women love masculine guy compared to the metrosexual type. Guys jangan nak step macho pulak. Haha.

    Think about it yourself (guys & girls) and comment/tag.

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